Preventing weeds in landscape beds – Sticks & Stones

Preventing weeds in landscape beds


Spring is here, now is the time for weed prevention, and Christensen’s has a few ways to prevent weeds and up-sell products to your customers for increased profit. Today I want to talk about Treflan and landscape fabric.


Treflan is a pre-emergent herbicide for annual grasses and broadleaf weeds. Treflan can be used in new landscape beds, around trees, groundcover, and in established landscape beds. Now is the time to apply - before you see weeds emerging. Treflan creates a chemical barrier to germinating weeds. If there are root fragments in the bed, Treflan can’t stop them from coming up, so bed prep is important for good results. Be sure to follow the directions on the bag for coverage and how to apply. Also note the part of the directions about how the product must be watered in. This is an easy step that is key to your success when using this product.

Another way is using landscape fabric. It stops approx. 95% of weed growth by creating a physical barrier to the weeds germinating. Fabric is useful under decorative stone in landscape beds. It also works very well as a filter fabric around drain tile and behind retaining walls. Christensen’s carries a wide range of fabric in sizes from 3’x 50’ to 10’ x 250’.

Please remember that both of these products only prevent weeds coming up from seed. Anything existing in landscape beds will not be stopped by Treflan or landscape fabric. Your only move is physically removing them or using a product like Killz All. But that’s another topic!

Applying Treflan is a good plan when installing mulch. It’s a value-added service resulting in great-looking beds and happy customers. And make sure that you check out Jermi’s mulch video from last week to get the best practices for installing mulch and making you more money.

David Krajniak