Roast me! – Sticks & Stones

Roast me!

Employee of the month

As the shrub and perennial investor at Christensen's I rarely get to go outside to meet and greet. Now while we are socially distancing for COVID-19 it is even worse. When I do get outside, I can’t tell the difference between employees and customers. It was bad enough with hats and sunglasses, now there are masks! And just before the shutdown happened I was about to get new glasses... So currently six feet is a little far away for me. Pardon me if I don't recognize you!

Carts and customers

I decided to try and use this column to get some feedback. Do I get it right? (Did I get it right in this mess?) Please! This is a Roast Me – did I get it wrong? Go ahead - I can take it!

hydrangeas marked sold

What plants am I missing in the nursery? We NEVER want you to be caught short on plants that you need, so please let us know what you want and when you want it.

You are welcome to yell at me – however it is best to yell at your salesman. Then they can get it ordered for you. (It would be much better for me if you yelled at them. They are scared of me and usually bring me gifts like cookies and such with your orders! Isn’t that sweet of them!?!?)

Contact information for all our sales staff can be found in our app and on our website. And, you can send me your feedback here: rothk (at) christensensplantcenter (dot) com.

ITOH peonies

I know that as a woman of my age, grace, natural beauty and talents that it is next to impossible for me to get it wrong. But that age thing sometimes makes me forget things.

P. S. You cannot roast me on that last paragraph!

Kim Roth