Finding Deals at Christensen’s – Sticks & Stones

Finding Deals at Christensen’s

Sale group sign and shrubs

We at Christensen’s Plant and Hardscape Center pride ourselves on quality. Our buyers (we call them 'investors') have built great relationships with our vendors to ensure they are looking out for us. We receive a TON of tree trucks in the spring and fall from many different states to fill our yard for the upcoming season. However, every once in a while, we may be sent something that is subpar and does not meet our expectations. If we can leave it on the truck to send back, we do so. Some of these trucks that come in are one-way trucks that are backhauling something else. Due to this reason, we are not able to send some things back and end up selling them at a heavily discounted price.

Discount Tree 2022

These are often still nice trees that might have a crooked trunk that can usually be straightened by staking or maybe a crooked leader that tends to fix itself as it matures. These trees are first come first serve and typically do not sit around long. Ask your customer service person about pricing details on these.

We try to rotate our material the best we can but sometimes some items may stick around a little longer due to new stock coming in and selling first. To ensure the highest quality for you and your customers, we will often mark these down to help make room for new product.

Discount Japanese Maple
Sticks & Stones Deals

Another great way to save you and your customer money is to take advantage of our Biweekly special. Every couple of weeks we run a new special with different items that are in season. You’ll see flyers when you stop into the Plant Center or right here in the Sticks & Stones e-mail.

Sale brick pavers

If you’re looking for deals in the hardscape yard, I recommend checking in a few weeks before our inventory around late June and again around late October.  You never know what you’re going to find, but it just might be exactly what you need.

Your customer service person is the best resource to help you take advantage of these ways to save you money. We’re here to help you get the job done, no matter what.

Luke Joerin