It’s So Hard To Say Goodbye… – Sticks & Stones

It’s So Hard To Say Goodbye…

Luke Joerin Sticks & Stones Author

Leaving a job that you have loved for years can be tough. For me, it was made even more difficult by the incredible colleagues and team that I have had the pleasure to work with. Saying goodbye feels like closing a chapter on a book that I wasn't ready to finish.

However, throughout the process, I tried to focus on two important things. 

Luke Joerin with Co-workers

Firstly, I reminded myself that opportunities to grow and change can help me remain flexible and adaptable. With every decision, I worked hard to see the bigger picture and kept in mind what was ultimately best for my career, family, and personal goals. Though it will be difficult leaving the team I had grown to love so much, I sense it’s the right move for me at this time.

Secondly, I want to be sure to show my appreciation to my colleagues and Christensen’s Plant & Hardscape Centers. As I leave, I want to emphasize how grateful I am to have gotten to work with amazing people. Their friendship, guidance and support made my time here a truly wonderful experience.

Luke Jorein with Truck

From day one, our team's energy and passion inspired me to work harder and strive for excellence. I learned so much from everyone at the company and am honored for the chance to share the successes and challenges with them.

Christensen's Team 2021

While leaving behind something you enjoyed so much is never an easy decision, I take comfort in the fact that I'm taking a step towards new challenges and opportunities. I will always cherish my experiences with Christensen’s and those that I worked so closely with but am excited for what lies ahead.

Luke Joerin

Editor’s Note: We here at Christensen’s would like to wish the best to Luke and will miss his articles here in Sticks & Stones. Here are some of our favorites:
Stop the Spread – Just Squish It
How to consider “ultimate size”
They. Are. Coming.